The Guide to Immortality- Beta version

One of the truths that has hounded the mortals since the advent of humanity is the fact that death is as much a part of life as life itself. Oblivion beckons to every human soul that vacillates between the advent and the end. One of most ludicrous fallacies that has ever pervaded the thoughts of humans is definetely the idea of immortality. The way we go about our daily life reflects our mistaken belief in the theory of ever-lasting life and incessant youth. “Prudence” is a masquerade we often use to disguise our ostensible approach to life. We are quick to ridicule anyone who does not conform with the majority of “believers” and treat them iniquitously.

What we are aware of in our subconsious inevitably engulfs us in the conscious little “prudent” world of ours. In those moments of truth, we realize how inconspicuous our life has been. Compared with the innumerable people that exist along with us on this earth and with the people gazillions that have already treaded the earth before our lifetime, our exist is perhaps a speck in the infinite space of reckoning that serves as a barometer for the deeds of men. The imminent question of paramount importance before each of us who have not found the elixir is- how to do a Houdini and escape the sordid claws of oblivion?

The answer, evidently, is not with me. The primary reason for that is that I am still alive and kicking and I have not tried to verify the efficacy of the suggested ways that I potray here. But a meticulous examination of human history is enough for any perpicacious soul to come up with a possible pill of immortality. In fact, it appears that there are two pills for the purpose. The foloowing sections deal with both these approaches-

1- The Adolf Hitler Approach- As a die-hard pessimist would do, I will start the discourse with the negative approach. It might sound preposterous, but being the villain that the entire world despises is one sure way of extending your stay in the memory of the masses. If you have any doubts related to this appraoch, just consider the eminent gentlemen who are associated with this way of life- Adolf Hitler, Napolean Bonaparte, Parvez Musharraf etc. I am sure a lot more names can be added to it. But for the sake of avoiding any personal offense to anyone who might consider these people their heroes, I would not name anyone else. But, as mentioned above, despotism, tyranny, atrocities against people and many other sordid deeds might lead you to a place in history that is reserved and tailor-made for you.

2- The Mahatma Gandhi Approach- Yes, the way of the saints and angels! for every villainous person who finds his way into history books, there are perhaps two good samaritans who walk the road of compassion and reach the same destination. I am quite sure there will be no arguments against this approach. After all, every one remembers Florence Nightingale, Mother Teressa, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mendela and the likes. Without doubt, these people define humanity as we know it. They are textbooks of humanity and the ones who exemplify compassion. How can the world ever forget these people? So, if you desire immortality (or relative immortality) and you are not a support of death and destruction then this is the way for you.

The unscrupulous observer in me brought forth a point of similarity between the two approaches. The society proves to be a favourable breeding ground for the people following either of the two approaches. The dictators rose to power because of the social conditions prevailing, while the martyrs also rose due to the prevelant social condition. Just that the dictators believed that they were the top of the pyramidical food-chain, supreme to every other human being while the martyrs believed in a flatter food-chain and believed that they were one of the many around them. Therein lies the difference.

Choose what you may to attain immortality in the memory of your fellow beings, choose it with your heart open and mind closed. What do you want to be remembered as? A person whose statues were demolished as soon he was defeated in war or as a person whose statues are erected after the ultimate sacrifice?

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